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Simulation Program Mission, Vision, and Goals

Time Frame for Implementation 2023-2028

The mission of the Nursing Simulation Program is to integrate best practices in simulation education and research to support curricula that focus on improving patient outcomes and fostering a culture of learning and development, ultimately contributing to the advancement of nursing practice and healthcare. 

The vision of the Nursing Simulation Program is to empower nursing graduates and healthcare professionals with the knowledge, skills, and abilities to inspire innovation and excellence in healthcare delivery as a Regional Simulation Center. 

Program Goals

Maximize Student Experience and Student Success

• Provide a safe and controlled environment for students and healthcare professionals to develop and improve their clinical skills and decision-making abilities.
o Metric/benchmark – at least 85% of students respond "agree” or “strongly agree” to the simulation-specific question “I feel that simulation enhanced my ability to provide safe, effective care in a variety of settings” on the end-of-program exit survey.
o Timeframe – each semester
o Responsible party – Simulation Program Coordinator and Department Head for Nursing

• Foster interprofessional collaboration and communication among healthcare teams through simulation-based learning.
o Metric/benchmark – include at least one interprofessional scenario with a communication objective per semester.
o Timeframe – each semester
o Responsible Party – Committee on Simulation

Sustain Excellence in Service, Teaching, Learning
• Conduct annual faculty needs assessments to identify areas for faculty development.
o Metric/benchmark –annual college faculty needs assessment.
o Timeframe – annually
o Responsible party – College of Nursing and Health Sciences Research, Scholarship, & Faculty Development Committee

• Support the professional development of Simulation Educators by providing continuing education and resources for integrating simulation-based learning into their teaching practices.
o Metric – at least two Simulation Educators and one Simulation Program Staff member attend a local, regional, and/or national simulation-related professional development program annually.
o Timeframe – annually
o Responsible party – Department Head for Nursing and Dean

• Incorporate various assessment methods, such as observation, peer assessment, and learner feedback, to gather and provide Simulation Educators with diverse perspectives on teaching effectiveness.
o Metric/benchmark – 100% of Simulation Educators are evaluated annually using the Debriefing Assessment for Simulation in Healthcare (DASH)
o Metric/benchmark – at least 50% of faculty and students complete the evaluation of scenario surveys once annually.
o Timeframe – annually
o Responsible Party – Committee on Simulation

Cultivate Research, Innovation, and Creativity
• Contribute to the advancement of simulation-based healthcare education and practice by conducting research, developing best practices, and disseminating findings across the broader simulation community.
o Metric/benchmark – at least one Simulation Educator and/or Simulation Staff presents their simulation-related scholarship annually at a local, regional, national, or international venue.
o Timeframe – annually
o Responsible Party – Committee on Simulation

Ensure Fiscal Vitality
• Collaborate with the University’s Office of Development to ensure the program’s long-term sustainability by maintaining current funding sources and procuring new opportunities to grow and sustain the Nursing Simulation Program.
o Metric/benchmark – report by the Director of Development on current and prospective funding sources to all faculty at the School of Nursing faculty meeting.
o Timeframe – annually
o Responsible Party – Director of Development and Dean

Foster Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging
• Develop and implement simulation scenarios that reflect diverse patient populations with a wide range of healthcare experiences.
o Metric/benchmark - include at least one undergraduate and one graduate program scenario with at least one objective related to providing care to an underrepresented patient population per semester.
o Timeframe – each semester
o Responsible party – Committee on Simulation

Approved by the Committee on Simulation 5-4-2023.